Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - クライシスコア · ファイナルファンタジーVII
Chapter 8 - 俺は神羅をすてるかもしれない - I Might Even Be Abandon By Shinra

Zack makes his way back to the slum church in Midgar.

Zack: Hmm? I thought I just sensed something behind me---Probably just my imagination.

Zack runs into the church and without noticing a new Shinra model robot is heading his way. But before he even has time to worry about that he finds a monster inside the church standing beside Aerith!

Aerith: Zack!
Zack: An Angeal clone?!

The mysterious Shinra robot makes its way into the church; it begins aiming for a target. But before it can acquire any target at all it gets destroyed by the Angeal clone!

Zack: Thanks.
Aerith: Did it just protect us?
Zack: It seems that way.

The clone falls after its grand attack---

Zack: Deterioration?
Aerith: Poor thing---
Zack: Is Angeal alive somewhere too?

It appears the clone is dead just yet but it has no intention to fight Zack.

Aerith: That little one somehow seems sad.
Zack: What reason did you come here---?
Aerith: Hey, let’s make the flower sale wagon.
Zack: Umm. But---
Aerith: It'll be all right.
Zack: You got that right?! Stay put up there! As for the rest, I'll think of something.
Aerith: Hey, let’s make the flower sale wagon.

Zack acts a bit blank; he can't seem to find the reason why an Angeal clone has appeared. Could Angeal really still be alive? Aerith calls him over once more to help with the flower sale wagon.

Aerith: Come'on now Zack! Over here.
Zack: A---aa. Hey---Aerith. Once we're done making the wagon will you sale them in the upper city?
Aerith: Umm. I'm still a little scared too. I think I'll first start selling in the slums---
Zack: Honestly, what have I told you? When it comes to when we start selling up above I'll be there with you! Nothing to be worried about!!
Aerith: Thanks so much Zack!
Zack: All right! So it's decided, let’s hurry up and make the wagon. I'll go look for some wood! Aerith wait for me here.
Aerith: Umm.

Zack heads outside and finds more robots waiting.

Zack: Ah. More of these guys? Well, time to get this over with quickly.

Zack fights the other 3 robots and finishes them off quickly like he said. Tseng appears and talks to Zack after his fight.

Zack: What are these---?
Tseng: These are the new model robot weapons used to detect and defeat the monsters. They have been deployed throughout Midgar to rid the area of Genesis Copies. Almost all of the copies in Midgar have been dealt wtih.
Zack: Hmm. That's amazing. But, how come they tried attack me too? Can't these things tell the difference between monsters and SOLDIERs?
Tseng: ---currently no.
Zack: That's not very reassuring---
Tseng: We'll improve the robots then.
Zack: Also Tseng---there's something about you that bugs me. You're keeping watch on Aerith aren't you?

Tseng slowly walks away from Zack avoiding his question.

Zack: You're not going to say anything again?
Tseng: If you want to fool around with Aerith I won't try and stop you. I'm simply carrying out my duties as a Turk.
Zack: I'm not fooling around! For Aerith's sake I'm protector her as a SOLDIER---

A boy approaches Zack and starts asking him questions about the flower wagon. Tseng takes his chance leaves while Zack is distracted. Zack finally heads out on his hunt for wood. He finds his first piece on the road just outside the church. He finds the next piece in the slum market but someone apparently already owns it. Although he's reluctant to give you the wood, he decides that he'll give it to Zack on one condition. That one condition being that Zack names his new store he's opening. After much thought Zack decides on Seventh Heaven. The store owner loves it and gives Zack the wood. Next Zack finds the last piece in the Loveless district. A man who knows Aerith offers it to Zack. Zack decides he's kept Aerith long enough and heads back. Zack returns to Aerith with the wood and they begin making the Wagon. They finally finish making the wagon but Aerith seems somewhat displeased.

Aerith: Hmm. It doesn't look very cute.
Zack: Really? Well, its fine isn't it? Since the main event is the flowers.
Aerith: I just can't agree to that.
Zack: Don't think about such luxurious things!
Aerith: A little luxury is all I ask for.
Zack: You say it's only a little but really it’s a lot right?
Aerith: Yup! Will you hear me out?
Zack: How many is it---?
Aerith: Umm. 23?
Zack: Write it down on paper since I'll probably forget.
Aerith: Um.

Aerith nods and starts writing down the 23 little luxuries she wants. Zack gets a phone call from Sephiroth.

Sephiroth: The situation has changed. Return to headquarters immediately.
Zack: Arg.
Aerith: Work?
Zack: Unfortunately.
Aerith: Here.

Aerith hands Zack the piece of paper. Zack and Aerith gaze into each other's eyes like the love birds they are. Zack makes his leave to Shinra headquarters.

Sephiroth: It appears at one of the mako reactors monsters have appeared. Also all the employees working there have gone missing. We haven't been able to contact even the SOLDIERs sent near the location. The company has decided to send other SOLDIER to investigate the situation. You and I will be going.
Zack: Roger---
Sephiroth: What's wrong?
Zack: Well you know---you'd think there'd be more information than that.
Sephiroth: The SOLDIERs that we lost contact with we're the ones chasing after Lazard. Furthermore, earlier they reported they saw some kind of strange pods.
Zack: Are they Hollander's?
Sephiroth: Most likely---It could be equipment taken from Modeoheim.
Zack: Which means---
Sephiroth: Lazard, Hollander---
Zack: And Genesis?
Sephiroth: We have no choice but to go.
Zack: Right. Let’s hurry up and get going.
Sephiroth: Go to the SOLDIER floor first. You and the other soldiers who are going should prepare before we depart.
Zack: Roger!
Sephiroth: Our orders are to investigate the mako reactor. Even old friends didn't even tell me anything. Depending on when, even I might be discarded by Shinra. But until then I'm still an obedient SOLDIER of Shinra.

Zack makes his way to the SOLDIER floor and prepares for his mission. Before leaving for his mission he decides to go visit Aerith and explain to her the situation.

Aerith: Zack all done with work?
Zack: Nope---There's seems to be some important mission coming up, I might have to leave Midgar.
Aerith: When are you coming back?
Zack: Umm. I'm not really sure.
Aerith: Oh---Is it okay if I call you?
Zack: Of course! I'll pick up right away even during my mission.
Aerith: You know what! Let’s---
Zack: Eh? Let's what?
Aerith: Let’s go to the slums and sell flowers.

Zack and Aerith head out to the slum park hoping to sell some flowers.

Zack: Um. Looking cute.
Aerith: Do you think anyone will even come to buy? ---no one seems to be coming.
Zack: No no. For sure they will come. Just wait a little bit and tons of customers will be here.
Aerith: Hm. Like I thought, this wagon just isn't very cute. Oh, a customer.

Zack runs over to the young man and tries to persuade him to buy a flower.

Zack: Hey. Hey. You over there! How about buying a flower? For right now, it'll only be 10 gil! It's been a huge price-slash! It's a must-buy!

Aerith giggles at Zack's antics.

Zack: Aerith! He said he'd buy it at 5 gil!
Aerith: Um. Any amount is fine.
Zack: No, that just won't do at all. I'm going to go back and negotiate for 7 gil. I'll be more tough this time.
Aerith: But---did the customer just leave?
Zack: Aerith---sorry.
Aerith: Why? I'm really happy. Since you're here with me. Oh! Look, Zack! Another customer!!

While Aerith is distract selling her flowers out of her new wagon Zack goes talk to Tseng hiding behind the slide.

Tseng: Don't worry about her. It's our duty to protect and watch over her in case she gets into any danger.
Zack: You're the only person I can depend on.
Tseng: He he.
Zack: Heh! Why are you laughing? I'm counting on you!

Zack makes his way back to the headquarters and set out to meet the other members for the mission.

Zack: What's wrong?
Cloud: The assigned members still aren't here---
Zack: We're in a rush so hurry up!
Cloud: Yes sir!
Zack: Cloud?! Together again huh? Pleasure to be working with you.
Cloud: You too. Just wait a moment; I'll go call the others.

Cloud runs off to get the other members. The assigned members all meet in the SOLDIER floor lounge.

Zack: By the way, where are we going?
Sephiroth: Nibelheim.

Cloud reacts surprised and speechless.

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